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ALOHA! Adherence: ID-Cap™ Clinical Trial Research Presented at the 2024 Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)

The ID-Cap™ System embarks on a promising journey in 2024, receiving continued praise from clinical trials. Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Ohio State University welcomed the new year in sunny Honolulu to present valuable clinical trial data at the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2024.

The momentum of medication adherence carried into the new year, with four esteemed researchers—Edward Boyer, MD (OSU), Peter Chai, MD (BW), Jasper Lee, Ph.D (BW) and Georgia Goodman, BS (BW)—taking the stage at HICSS, the worldwide longest standing scientific conference in IT Management. All four researchers shared compelling insights into the success of etectRx’s digital pill solution, particularly in studies focused on HIV and PrEP medication adherence using the FDA cleared ID-Cap™ System.

This significant event showcased results from four distinct clinical trials utilizing the ID-Cap™ System, highlighting its effectiveness in promoting adherence to medication in populations where adherence is of utmost importance. The researchers’ presentations underscored the positive impact of digital innovation in healthcare.

Established in 1968, the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) stands as one of the most impactful scientific conferences in Information Technology Management globally. This well known conference brings together scholars from academia and industry professionals from over 60 countries, HICSS provides a dynamic platform for the exchange of ideas in various areas of information, computer, and system sciences. The event continues to foster collaboration and innovation in the ever-evolving landscape of technology and its contributions to healthcare.

Continue below to read the full research study results presented at HICSS 2024.

Preliminary Qualitative Data From MyTPill Study

Edward Boyer, MD
Ohio State University
View Presentation

Real-World Implementation Challenges Associated With a Digital Pill System to Measure Adherence to HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis From Two Studies of Men Who Have Sex With Men

Peter Chai, MD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
View Presentation

Georgia Goodman, BS
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
View Presentation

Tough Pill to Swallow? Preliminary Attitudes Toward the Digital Pill System Among Pregnant and Postpartum People With HIV in South Africa

Jasper Lee, Ph.D
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
View Presentation

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